
It's a start

Bonjour, mes amours!

I decided to create a Blogger account in order to have some space for me to either share, rant or just talk about anything regarding my personal life. I know I have Tumblr, but it's a place where I just reblog photos I see from random users. I don't call it blogging, just semi-blogging.

People have been telling me to create my own personal blog but I am too lazy to make one. But today, I woke up and just made THIS.

Welcome to my personal blog! I decided to give the title: Je suis l'amour. In French, it means, "I love life." Well, problems come in and out every so often, but that's no reason for me to hate life. I love life in every way that I can. I've always believed that if you learn to love life, then life will love you back. 

In this blog, you will be expecting personal photos, insights, movie reviews or whatever it is that some "readers" tell me I'm good at "blogging" at. This is my personal space and I'm more than happy to share it. Don't expect to get just one uniform theme of entries from me. I don't focus on just one subject. I'm a very random person. Préparez vous à être surpris!

I still keep my Tumblr, though. It's that space wherein I reblog photos based on the way I feel. 

Follow me?
Guess, that's all for this introduction. 

Avec amour,
Cassie Blanche


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